
Replace all occurrences of the case-sensitive text "Mip" with "MIP".

Remove the following type definitions:

"typedef SE_Long_Float SE_Matrix_3x3[3][3];
typedef SE_Long_Float SE_Matrix_4x4[4][4];"

In the definition of SE_Single_Value , change the name of the union from "values" to "value".

In the definition of SE_CM_3D_Location_Fields , replace "SRM_Spherical_3D_Coordinate" with "SRM_Equatorial_Spherical_3D_Coordinate".

In the definition of SE_HAEC_3D_Location_Fields , replace "SRM_Spherical_3D_Coordinate" with "SRM_Equatorial_Spherical_3D_Coordinate".

In the definition of SE_HEEC_3D_Location_Fields , replace "SRM_Spherical_3D_Coordinate" with "SRM_Equatorial_Spherical_3D_Coordinate".

In the definition of SE_HEEQ_3D_Location_Fields , replace "SRM_Spherical_3D_Coordinate" with "SRM_Equatorial_Spherical_3D_Coordinate".

In the definition of SE_Image_Mip_Extents , replace "Mip" with "MIP".

In the definition of SE_Image_Texel_Location_3D , replace three occurrences of  "SE_Short_Integer_Unsigned" with "SE_Integer_Unsigned".

Replace the definition of SE_Local_4x4_Fields with the following:

"typedef struct {
  SRM_Matrix_4x4  matrix;
} SE_Local_4x4_Fields;"

In the definition of SE_PD_3D_Location_Fields , replace "SRM_CD_3D_Coordinate" with "SRM_PD_3D_Coordinate".

In the definition of SE_PD_Surface_Location_Fields , replace "SRM_CD_Surface_Coordinate" with "SRM_PD_Surface_Coordinate".

In the definition of SE_Property_Code , change the name of the union from "values" to "value".

In the definition of SE_Search_Rule , change the name of the union from "values" to "value".

In the definition of SE_SEC_3D_Location_Fields , replace "SRM_Spherical_3D_Coordinate" with "SRM_Equatorial_Spherical_3D_Coordinate".

In the definition of SE_SEQ_3D_Location_Fields , replace "SRM_Spherical_3D_Coordinate" with "SRM_Equatorial_Spherical_3D_Coordinate".

In the definition of SE_SMD_3D_Location_Fields , replace "SRM_Spherical_3D_Coordinate" with "SRM_Euclidean_3D_Coordinate".

In the definition of SE_SME_3D_Location_Fields , replace "SRM_Spherical_3D_Coordinate" with "SRM_Euclidean_3D_Coordinate".

Replace the definition of SE_World_3x3_Fields with the following:

"typedef struct {
  SRM_Matrix_3x3  world_3x3;
} SE_World_3x3_Fields;"

In the definition of SE_Packed_Hierarchy_Reference, change the two occurrences of  "SE_Object" to "SE_Packed_Hierarchy_Object_Access".


Replace the definition of "SE_GetContextTransformation" with the following:

"SE_Return_Code SE_GetContextTransformation (
  const SE_Object      object,
        SRM_Matrix_4x4 *matrix

Replace the function name, "SE_GetRemainingPackedHierarchies", with "SE_GetRemainingPackedHierarchiesList".
