Table 5.14 — ECs with labels beginning with J
Label Concept definition Figure(s) Code
JAIL A local <DETENTION_FACILITY> where the criminally accused are initially taken to be processed and await trial and where short (usually less than one year) sentences for criminal misconduct can be served; jail. Figure 5.14.597 597
JETTY A man-made <BARRIER> built out into or in a <WATERBODY>, primarily to restrain or direct <WATER_CURRENT>s and <WATER_WAVE>s; jetty. Figure 5.14.598 598
JUNGLE A <TRACT>, especially tropical, overgrown with luxuriant and often almost impenetrable <VEGETATION>; jungle [SOED, "jungle", 1].   599
JUPITER The primary <PLANET> of the <SUN> that is fifth in distance from the <SUN>, with an orbital mean <<RADIUS>> of approximately 778,30 million kilometres; Jupiter. Figure 5.14.600 600