Table 6.108 — DRM_Image




  • <DRM Image>



  • None.


An instance of this DRM class specifies one or more MIP levels of texels, and can have three dimensions. Each texel consists of the set of components identified by the image_signature field.

The name field specifies a meaningful short name.

The colour_model field specifies the colour model used throughout the <DRM Image> instance. Only one colour model is allowed per <DRM Image> instance.

The level_count field specifies the number of levels of detail defined for the <DRM Image> instance (for mipmaps). If the given instance is not a MIP-mapped image, only one level is specified (level_count = 1).

NOTE 1  Many end-user applications require that <DRM Image> instances having MIP levels specify both the horizontal and vertical dimensions as a power of two. However, some applications can handle <DRM Image> instances for which the horizontal and vertical dimensions are a multiple of two rather than a power of two. For example, 96 texels in a direction is a multiple of two but not a power of two. The DRM places no restriction on either the dimensional size of a <DRM Image> instance, nor makes any statement as to whether the use of MIP information within the <DRM Image> instance will be valid on a given consuming application.

There are level_count entries in the mip_extents_array. Each entry defines the number of horizontal, vertical, and z texels for a single MIP level of the <DRM Image> instance. The first map shall contain the highest level of detail; that is, mip_extents_array[0] corresponds to the level containing the most texels.

The image_signature field specifies how texels are represented within the <DRM Image> instance (see Image_Signature for details).

NOTE 2  For a <DRM Image> instance with an image_signature of EDCS_CLASSIFICATION_CODE, the bit size is a constant that represents the number of bits needed to represent an ECC.

The scan_direction field specifies the origin and direction of the horizontal and vertical components of the <DRM Image> instance.

The scan_direction_z field specifies the direction in which the z components of the <DRM Image> instance are ordered.

The component_data_type field specifies the data type of each component of the raw texel data. If signed or unsigned integer is specified, the “minimum_value” and “maximum_value” fields apply. If floating point is specified, the component values are in the range [0,0, 1,0], and the applicable “minimum_value” and “maximum_value” fields shall be set to the applicable value of either 0,0 or 1,0. In addition, if floating point is specified, the applicable “bits_of” fields shall be set to either 32 or 64.

The data_is_little_endian field specifies the endianess of the raw image data.

The data_is_3D field specifies whether the image data has three dimensions.

The bits_of_alpha field specifies how many bits of a texel within the image data specify alpha information. It is zero if alpha is not used.

The bits_of_luminance field specifies how many bits of a texel within the image data specify luminance information. It is zero if luminance is not used.

The bits_of_colour_coordinate_1 field specifies how many bits of a texel within the image data specify colour coordinate 1 information. It is zero if colour coordinate 1 is not used.

The bits_of_colour_coordinate_2 field specifies how many bits of a texel within the image data specify colour coordinate 2 information. It is zero if colour coordinate 2 is not used.

The bits_of_colour_coordinate_3 field specifies how many bits of a texel within the image data specify colour coordinate 3 information. It is zero if colour coordinate 3 is not used.

The bits_of_bump_map_height field specifies how many bits of a texel within the image data specify bump map height information. It is zero if bump map height is not used.

If the value of the bits_of_material_1 field is non-zero, the <DRM Image> instance has at least one <DRM Property Table Reference> component, and the bits in the image data corresponding to material 1 specify indexes into the <DRM Property Table> instance(s) that are referenced by the <DRM Property Table Reference> component(s) of the <DRM Image> instance. If the value of the bits_of_material_1 field is zero, the image data does not contain material 1 index information.

NOTE 3  With no material 2 or material 3 percentages, material 1 is at 100%.

If the value of the bits_of_material_2 field is non-zero, the <DRM Image> instance has at least one <DRM Property Table Reference> component, and the bits in the image data corresponding to material 2 specify indexes into the <DRM Property Table> instance(s) referenced by the <DRM Property Table Reference> component(s) of the <DRM Image> instance. However, if bits_of_material_2 = 0, the texel data of the <DRM Image> instance does not contain material 2 index information.

If the bits_of_material_3 field specifies non-zero, the <DRM Image> instance has at least one <DRM Property Table Reference> component, and the bits in the image data corresponding to material 3 specify indexes into the <DRM Property Table> instance(s) referenced by the <DRM Property Table Reference> component(s) of the <DRM Image> instance. However, if bits_of_material_3 = 0, the texel data of the <DRM Image> instance does not contain material 3 index information.

If required by the image_signature value of the <DRM Image> instance, the bits_of_material_2_percentage field is used to specify the percentage of material 2.

NOTE 4  If data is provided for only two materials, the percentage of material 1 is (100% - (percentage of material 2))

If required by the image_signature value of the <DRM Image> instance, the bits_of_material_3_percentage field is used to specify the percentage of material 3.

NOTE 5  If data for all three materials is provided, the percentage of material 1 is (100% - (percentage of material 2) - percentage of material 3))

The bits_of_image_index field specifies how many bits of a texel within the image data specify image index information. It is zero if image index is not used.

The bits_of_bump_map_u field specifies how many bits of a texel within the image data specify bump map u information. It is zero if bump map u is not used.

The bits_of_bump_map_v field specifies how many bits of a texel within the image data specify bump map v information. It is zero if bump map v is not used.

The minimum_value_of_alpha field specifies the minimum value that alpha can be within the image data. It is zero if alpha is not used.

The maximum_value_of_alpha field specifies the maximum value that alpha can be within the image data. It is zero if alpha is not used.

The minimum_value_of_luminance field specifies the minimum value that luminance can be within the image data. It is zero if luminance is not used.

The maximum_value_of_luminance field specifies the maximum value that luminance can be within the image data. It is zero if luminance is not used.

The minimum_value_of_colour_coordinate_1 field specifies the minimum value that colour coordinate 1 can be within the image data. It is zero if colour coordinate 1 is not used.

The maximum_value_of_colour_coordinate_1 field specifies the maximum value that colour coordinate 1 can be within the image data. It is zero if colour coordinate 1 is not used.

The minimum_value_of_colour_coordinate_2 field specifies the minimum value that colour coordinate 2 can be within the image data. It is zero if colour coordinate 2 is not used.

The maximum_value_of_colour_coordinate_2 field specifies the maximum value that colour coordinate 2 can be within the image data. It is zero if colour coordinate 2 is not used.

The minimum_value_of_colour_coordinate_3 field specifies the minimum value that colour coordinate 3 can be within the image data. It is zero if colour coordinate 3 is not used.

The maximum_value_of_colour_coordinate_3 field specifies the maximum value that colour coordinate 3 can be within the image data. It is zero if colour coordinate 3 is not used.

The minimum_value_of_bump_map_height field specifies the minimum value that bump map height can be within the image data. It is zero if bump map height is not used.

The maximum_value_of_bump_map_height field specifies the maximum value that bump map height can be within the image data. It is zero if bump map height is not used.

The minimum_value_of_bump_map_u field specifies the minimum value that bump map u can be within the image data. It is zero if bump map u is not used.

The maximum_value_of_bump_map_u field specifies the maximum value that bump map u can be within the image data. It is zero if bump map u is not used.

The minimum_value_of_bump_map_v field specifies the minimum value that bump map v can be within the image data. It is zero if bump map v is not used.

The maximum_value_of_bump_map_v field specifies the maximum value that bump map v can be within the image data. It is zero if bump map v is not used.

Class diagram

Figure 6.129 — DRM_Image

Inherited field elements

Field name


Field data type



Field elements

Field name


Field data type

























































































































Default field values

Default field values for DRM_Image

Associated to (one-way) (inherited)

  • None.

Associated to (one-way)

  • None.

Associated by (one-way) (inherited)

  • None.

Associated by (one-way)

Associated with (two-way) (inherited)

  • None.

Associated with (two-way)

  • None.

Composed of (two-way) (inherited)

  • None.

Composed of (two-way)

Composed of (two-way metadata) (inherited)

  • None.

Composed of (two-way metadata)

Component of (two-way) (inherited)

  • None.

Component of (two-way)



1If provided, the <DRM Classification Data> component identifies the content of the imagery.

2If provided, the <DRM Lineage> component specifies either information about the events and/or source data used in constructing the <DRM Image> instance or lack of knowledge about lineage.

3The <DRM Presentation Domain> component is intended to support geospecific <DRM Image> instances that are not referenced by any <DRM Image Mapping Function> instance since a <DRM Image> instance may be significant only for a particular domain, such as radar, thermal, or OTW.

4If provided, the <DRM Identification> component may be used to provide a more detailed description than that specified by the name field.


  • A brick <DRM Image> instance that is repeated over the surface of a <DRM Polygon> instance to represent a brick wall.

  • A <DRM Image> instance of a tree that when applied to a <DRM Polygon> instance and combined with a <DRM Translucency> instance creates a flat version of a tree.

  • The sequence of <DRM Image> instance(s) mapped to a <DRM Polygon> instance to represent a television.

  • Consider a <DRM Image> instance that has three <DRM Property Table Reference> components:

    1. a reference to a <DRM Property Table> instance for infrared properties,
    2. a reference to a <DRM Property Table> instance for night vision goggles properties, and
    3. a reference to a <DRM Property Table> instance for surface material category properties (see Figure 6.130).

    Image, Ex 5

    Figure 6.130 — <DRM Image> example

    Consider the case of one material. A given texel contains a single integer, which is used in place of the index_on_axis field for all the <DRM Property Table Reference> components of the <DRM Image> instance.

    Consider the case of two materials. A given texel contains three integers, two of which are used in place of the index_on_axis field for all the <DRM Property Table Reference> components of the <DRM Image> instance, and a third integer, which specifies the percentage of the second material. For a given texel, say the numbers are 7 6 50. The material at that texel is something that is 50% glass and 50% concrete.

    Consider the case of three materials. A given texel contains five integers, three of which are used in place of the index_on_axis field for all the <DRM Property Table Reference> components of the <DRM Image> instance, and two of which specify the percentages of material two and three. For a given texel, say the numbers are 4 6 7 20 30. The material at that texel is something that is 50% wood, 20% concrete, and 30% glass.