7.2 Constraints

Replace index "xth" with "xth" throughout where "x" represents an index designation (usually "i" or "n").

7.2.2 Animation related organizing principle

Replace index "N" with "n" throughout.

7.2.4 Colour mapping


7.2.5 Constraints on associates

Append the following text as new items 5 and 6 in the list of a:

  1. "Let M have a <DRM Feature Model> component F, and let X be an instance of <DRM Feature Model Instance> in the component tree of M. X shall not associate to F.

  2. Let M have a <DRM Geometry Model> component G, and let X be an instance of <DRM Geometry Model Instance> in the component tree of M. X shall not associate to G."

7.2.6 Constraints on components

In the first sentence of Item a.4, replace "or <DRM Symbol>" with ", <DRM Symbol>, or <DRM Variable>".

In Item b.3.i, remove the phrase "other than R".

In Item b.3.ii, append the phrase "other than R" to the sentence.

In the first sentence of Item b.4, replace "or <DRM Symbol>" with ", <DRM Symbol>, or <DRM Variable>".

7.2.8 Contained node constraints

In the first sentence, remove the period preceding the colon.

In Item c, replace "if any" with "if any exist".

In Item c.1, replace "instances" with "instance".

7.2.10 Cylindrical structure

In Item b, remove the word "subclass".

7.2.12 Distinct link objects

Append the following new items d, e, f, and g to the list:

  1. "Consider a <DRM Feature Representation> instance F1 that associates to a <DRM Feature Representation> instance F2 through the use of a <DRM Base Association Data> S1 and separately through the use of a <DRM Base Association Data> link object S2, where F1 and F2 may not be distinct.

    1. S1 and S2 shall be distinct link objects.
    2. If S1 and S2 are instances of the same concrete DRM class, the meaning field values of S1 and S2 shall be distinct and shall not conflict.

    EXAMPLE  Let L1 and L2 be distinct <DRM Linear Feature> instances such that L1 is associated to L2 through a <DRM Spatial Association Data> link object S1 with a meaning field value of COMPLETELY_ABOVE. L1 may not also be associated to L2 through a <DRM Spatial Association Data> link object S1 with a meaning field value of COMPLETELY_BELOW, although L2 may be associated to L1 through such a <DRM Spatial Association Data> link object.

  2. "Consider a <DRM Geometry Hierarchy> instance G1 that associates to a <DRM Geometry Hierarchy> instance G2 through the use of a <DRM Base Association Data> link object S1 and separately through the use of a <DRM Base Association Data> link object S2, where G1 and G2 may not be distinct.

    1. S1 and S2 shall be distinct link objects.
    2. If S1 and S2 are instances of the same concrete DRM class, the meaning field values of S1 and S2 shall be distinct and shall not conflict.
  3. Consider a <DRM Feature Representation> instance F that associates to a <DRM Geometry Hierarchy> instance G through the use of a <DRM Base Association Data> link object S1 and separately through the use of a <DRM Base Association Data> link object S2.

    1. S1 and S2 shall be distinct link objects.
    2. If S1 and S2 are instances of the same concrete DRM class, the meaning field values of S1 and S2 shall be distinct and shall not conflict.
  4. Consider a <DRM Geometry Hierarchy> instance G that associates to a <DRM Feature Representation> instance F through the use of a <DRM Base Association Data> link object S1 and separately through the use of a <DRM Base Association Data> link object S2.

    1. S1 and S2 shall be distinct link objects.
    2. If S1 and S2are instances of the same concrete DRM class, the meaning field values of S1 and S2 shall be distinct and shall not conflict."

7.2.14 <DRM Classification Data> constraints

In the first paragraph, replace "<DRM Union of Features>" with "<DRM Union Of Features>".

In the second paragraph, replace "<DRM Union of Geometry>" with "<DRM Union Of Geometry>".

7.2.15 <DRM Colour Table> size

In the second sentence, replace "different types" with "different classes".

7.2.16 <DRM Conformal Behaviour> constraints

In Item c, replace "every" with "any".

7.2.17 <DRM Control Link> constraints

In the first paragraph, remove "given".

7.2.18 <DRM Environment Root> SRF

In the first sentence, remove the text "instances as ".

In Item a, replace "instances" with "components".

In Item a, replace "SRF parameters" with "srf_context_info field values".

In Item b, replace "hierarchy rooted at" with "component tree of".

In Item c, replace "under" with "in the component tree of".

7.2.20 <DRM FeatureEdge> constraints

Replace the text and bookmark of the current title with the following text: "<DRM Feature Edge> and <DRM Geometry Edge> constraints". Also update the Topics table appropriately.

Replace the text preceding the list with the following text:

"The following restrictions apply to <DRM Feature Edge> instances:"

Insert the following text in item b before the period:

"(enforced at topology level 2 and higher)"

Insert the following text in item c before the period:

", except that they may share a common <DRM Feature Node> instance"

Append the following text as a new paragraph and list following the existing list:

"The following restrictions apply to <DRM Geometry Edge> instances:

  1. The <DRM Geometry Node> instances of a <DRM Geometry Edge> instance shall not have the same position in space.

  2. At geometry topology level 2 or higher, no <DRM Geometry Edge> instance may intersect with or overlap another <DRM Geometry Edge> instance, except that they may share a common <DRM Geometry Node> instance.

  3. At geometry topology level 3, each <DRM Geometry Edge> instance forms part of the boundaries of exactly two <DRM Geometry Face> instances.

  4. At geometry topology level 4, at least one <DRM Geometry Edge> instance shall form part of the boundary of more than two <DRM Geometry Face> instances.

  5. At geometry topology level 5, if a <DRM Geometry Face> instance E is located within a <DRM Geometry Volume> instance V, E shall associate to V."

7.2.22 <DRM Image Anchor> SRF

In item d first sentence, replace "context of some" with "scope of a DRM object that specifies an".

7.2.23 <DRM Linear Geometry> structure, Item d

Replace item d with the following text:

  1. "Let L be a <DRM Linear Geometry> instance that is associated with n ordered <DRM Geometry Edge> instances E1, ..., En through the use of n <DRM Edge Direction> link objects D1, ..., Dn, where n ≥ 1.

    1. If D1 has a forwards field value of TRUE, the start <DRM Geometry Node> instance of E1 shall be associated with the first <DRM Vertex> component of L. Otherwise, the end <DRM Geometry Node> instance of E1 shall be associated with the first <DRM Vertex> component of L.
    2. If Dn has a forwards field value of TRUE, the end <DRM Geometry Node> instance of En shall be associated with the last <DRM Vertex> component of L. Otherwise, the start <DRM Geometry Node> instance of En shall be associated with the last <DRM Vertex> component of L.
    3. If n > 1, for each Ei, Ei+1, where i = 1, ..., n-1, Ei and Ei+1 shall associate to a common <DRM Geometry Node> instance. For each consecutive <DRM Geometry Edge> instance Ei, within the sequence, Di, shall be consistent with the starting and ending nodes of the edge.

      1. Consider the case where L is a <DRM Line> instance. L shall have exactly n+1 <DRM Vertex> components Vi, each of which has an associated <DRM Geometry Node> instance Gi, which shall be the common <DRM Geometry Node> instance for Ei and Ei+1.
      2. Consider the case where L is a <DRM Arc> instance expressed by a sequence of edges. The <DRM Geometry Node> instances forming the ends of the edges shall all be intersected by the circle for which the <DRM Arc> is specifying a subsection."

7.2.24 <DRM LSR Transformation> components

In the last sentence, replace the text "a <DRM LSR Transformation> instance" with the text "L".

In the last sentence, replace the text "the <DRM LSR Transformation> instance" with the text "L".

7.2.25 <DRM Model> SRF

In Item a.1, replace ", and" with a period.

In Item b.2, replace the last occurrence of "instance" with "component".

In Item b.3, replace "contains" with "has".

In Item b.4, replace "hierarchy" with "tree".

In Item b.4, replace the first occurrence of "<DRM Control Link> instances" with "<DRM Control Link> components".

In Item c, replace "under" with "in the component tree of".

7.2.26 <DRM Polyhedron> structure

Replace the content of this subclause with the following text:

"Let H be a <DRM Polyhedron> instance with n <DRM Polygon> components P1, ..., Pn and an associated <DRM Geometry Volume> instance V.

For each Pi:

  1. every <DRM Vertex> component of Pi has a <DRM Location 3D> component and is associated with a <DRM Geometry Node> instance; and

  2. Pi is associated with a <DRM Geometry Face> instance Fi, which is, in turn, associated with V."

7.2.27 <DRM Presentation Domain> constraints

In Items a and d, replace "<DRM Colour>" with "<DRM Colour>".

7.2.28 <DRM Primitive Summary Item> constraints

In Item c, replace "in its <DRM Feature Hierarchy> instance and/or its <DRM Geometry Hierarchy> instance" with "in the component tree of its <DRM Feature Hierarchy> component and/or that of its <DRM Geometry Hierarchy> component".

In Item d, replace "in the <DRM Feature Hierarchy> instance of its <DRM Feature Model> instance and/or the <DRM Geometry Hierarchy> instance of its <DRM Geometry Model> instance" with "in the component tree of its <DRM Feature Model> component and/or that of its <DRM Geometry Model> component".

In Item e, insert the text "instance" after "<DRM Model>".

7.2.30 <DRM Property Characteristic> constraints

In the first sentence, replace "<DRM Property>" with "<DRM Property>".

In the first sentence of Item a, replace the text "the abstract value type ENUMERATION" with the text "the abstract value type BOOLEAN or the abstract value type ENUMERATION".

Append to the last sentence of Item a the text "(for the case of ENUMERATION) or of TRUE or FALSE (for the case of BOOLEAN)".

In Item b, insert " field value" before the period.

Replace Item c with the following text:

  1. "If the attribute_value_type entry of the characteristic_value field of C is not REAL, C shall not have a meaning field value of EVC_TOLERANCE."

7.2.32 <DRM Property Set Table> size

In the first sentence of the second paragraph, replace both occurrences of "DRM class instances" with "DRM objects".

In the first sentence of the second paragraph, replace "T" with "T".

In the second sentence of the second paragraph, replace "has value FALSE for T" with "of T has value FALSE".

In the Note, replace ", and that" with "and, ".

7.2.33 <DRM Reference Surface> constraints

In Item a, replace "context of" with "scope of a DRM object that specifies".

In Item c, replace "instnace" with "instance".

7.2.34 <DRM Stamp Behaviour> constraints

Replace "context of" with "scope of a DRM object that specifies".

7.2.36 Edges bordering faces

Remove the paragraph and list starting with <DRM Geometry Edge>.

7.2.37 Face ring edge consistency

Replace the text of Items a and b. with the following text:

  1. "For a <DRM Feature Face Ring> instance R that associates to <DRM Feature Edge> instances E1, ..., En, the following conditions shall hold:

    1. If n = 1, E1 shall be a loop such that its start and end <DRM Feature Node> instances are the same <DRM Feature Node> instance.
    2. If n > 1, for each Ei, Ei+1, where i = 1, ..., n-1, Ei and Ei+1 shall associate to a common <DRM Feature Node> instance, and where i = n, E1 and En shall associate to a common <DRM Feature Node> instance. For each consecutive <DRM Feature Edge> instance within R, the <DRM Edge Direction> link object shall be consistent with the starting and ending nodes of the edge.
    3. If n > 1, for each Ei, Ei+1, where i = 1, ..., n, there shall be at most one Ej, where j ≠ 1, such that Ej is the same <DRM Feature Edge> instance as Ei but where the <DRM Edge Direction> link objects for Ei  and Ej have different forwards field values. If such an Ej exists, then, for every Ei, there shall be such an Ej.
  2. For a <DRM Geometry Face> instance F that associates to <DRM Geometry Edge> instances E1, ..., En, the following condition shall hold:

    1. For each Ei, Ei+1, where i = 1, ..., n-1, Ei and Ei+1 shall associate to a common <DRM Geometry Node> instance, and where i = n, E1 and En shall associate to a common <DRM Geometry Node> instance. For each consecutive <DRM Geometry Edge> instance within R, the <DRM Edge Direction> link object shall be consistent with the starting and ending nodes of the edge.
    2. For each Ei, Ej where i ≠ j, Ei and Ej shall be distinct."

Remove Item c.

7.2.39 General axis constraints

Insert the "field value" after each occurrence of "axis_type" throughout.

Replace all occurrences of "the value of the axis_type"  with "axis_type".

In Item a.2, insert " field" after "axis_value_array".

In Items b, c, and d, insert "field value" after each occurrence of "value_unit" and "value_scale".

In Item b, insert " field value" after every occurrence of "axis_interval_value_array".

In Item c, insert " field value" after every occurrence of "axis_value_array".

7.2.40 Hierarchy summary constraints

In Item a, replace "An instance of <DRM Hierarchy Summary Item>" with "A <DRM Hierarchy Summary Item> instance".

In Item c, replace the comma with a period.

In Item c.1, replace the first occurrence of "field" with "field value".

In Item c.1.i, replace "shall match" with "field value shall match".

In Item c.l.i, replace "that" with "the DRM class".

In Item c.2,  replace the first occurrence of "field" with "field value".

In the second sentence of Item c.3, remove " such a component instance".

In Item c.3.i, replace "shall match" with "field value shall match".

In Item c.3.i, replace "that" with "the DRM class".

In Item c.3.ii, insert "field" before the first occurrence of "value".

In Item c.3.ii, replace "field shall have value" with "field value shall be".

In Item c.4, insert "value" after "field".

In the first sentence of Item d.1, insert "component" after "<DRM Geometry Model>".

In the first sentence of Item d.1, replace the first occurrence of "field" with "field value".

In the second sentence of Item d.1, remove the text " such a component instance".

In Item d.l.i, replace "shall match" with "field value shall match".

In Item d.1.i, replace "that" with "the DRM class".

In Item d.1.ii, insert "field" before the first occurrence of "value".

In Item d.1.ii, replace "field shall have value" with "field value shall be".

In Item d.2, replace "field" with "field value".

In the first sentence of Item d.3, replace the first instance of "instance" with "component".

In the first sentence of Item d.3, replace "field" with "field value".

In the second sentence of Item d.3, remove the text " such a component instance".

In Item d.3.i, replace "shall match" with "field value shall match".

In Itrm d.3.i, replace "that" with "the DRM class".

In Item d.3.ii, insert "field" before the first occurrence of "value".

In Item d.3.ii, replace "field shall have value" with "field value shall be".

In Item d.4, insert "value" after "field".

7.2.41 Homogeneous light rendering properties

Change the name of the subclause to "Homogeneous <DRM Light Rendering Properties>" and update the hyperlinks and Topics table entry appropriately.

Replace "instances" with "components".

7.2.42 Image mapping functions and texture coordinates

In the first paragraph, replace "an instance of <DRM Geometry Representation>" with "a <DRM Geometry Representation> instance".

In the first paragraph, replace "<DRM Texture Coordinate> instances" with "<DRM Texture Coordinate> components".

In the first paragraph, replace "that instance of <DRM Geometry Representation>" with "that <DRM Geometry Representation> instance".

In the second paragraph, replace "instances of <DRM Feature Representation>" with "<DRM Feature Representation> instances".

In the third paragraph, replace "instances" with "components".

In the third paragraph, replace "<DRM Tack Point> instance" with "<DRM Tack Point> component".

7.2.43 Index codes within tables

Replace"N" with "n" throughout.

In Item a, first sentence, replace "meaning" with "meaning field Index_Code".

In Item a, second paragraph, replace each occurrence of  "<DRM Data Table>" with "<DRM Data Table>".

In the second paragraph of Items a, b, c and g, replace "missing or excluded" with "a qualitative EDCS Attribute Value Characteristic".

In Item a.3, replace all occurrences of "<DRM Classification Data> instance" with "<DRM Classification Data> component".

In Item b, first sentence, replace "meaning Index_Code" with "meaning field Index_Code".

In Item c, first sentence, replace "meaning Index_Code" with "meaning field Index_Code".

In Item f, replace "or f" with "or e".

In Item g, first sentence, replace "meaning Index_Code" with "meaning field Index_Code".

In Item g, first paragraph, replace "component <DRM Table Property Description>" with "component <DRM Table Property Description> instance".

7.2.45 LOD related organizing principle

In the first sentence, replace "applies:" with "apply.".

In Item a, replace "instance of <DRM Base LOD Data>" with "<DRM Base LOD Data> link object".

In Item a, insert "value" after "field".

In the first sentence of Item b, replace "instances" with "link objects".

In Item b.1, replace "instances of <DRM Distance LOD Data>" with "<DRM Distance LOD Data> link objects".

In the first sentence of Item b.1.i, replace "of one" with "field value of one".

In the first sentence of Item b.1.i, replace "of the other" with "field value of the other".

In Item b.1.ii, insert "<DRM Distance LOD Data> link object" after "each".

In Item b.2, replace "instances of <DRM Volume LOD Data>" with "<DRM Volume LOD Data> link objects".

In Item c, replace "inherited" with "inherits".

In Item c, replace "its lod_data_type" with "the lod_data_type field value of L".

In Item c.1, replace "is of type" with "has an lod_data_type field value of".

In Item c.2, replace "is of type" with "has an lod_data_type field value of".

7.2.46 Mandatory metadata

In the <DRM Browse Media> entry, replace "field name" with "name field".

In the <DRM Browse Media> entry, replace "field media_urn shall be" with "media_urn field shall specify".

In the <DRM Citation> entry, replace "field title shall be" with "title field shall specify".

In the <DRM Identification> entry, replace "field abstract shall be" with "abstract field shall specify".

In the <DRM Keywords> entry, replace the first sentence of the first paragraph with the following text:

"For any given <DRM Identification> instance, the type field value of each of its <DRM Keywords> components shall be distinct."

In the <DRM Legal Constraints> entry, replace both occurrences of "contain" with "specify".

In the <DRM Lineage> entry, replace "An instance of <DRM Lineage>" with "A <DRM Lineage> instance".

In Items a and b of the <DRM Lineage> entry, replace "instance" with "component".

In the first paragraph of the <DRM Responsible Party> entry, insert "of the address entry" before "within".

In the third paragraph of the <DRM Responsible Party> entry, replace "locale" with "locale".

In the fourth paragraph of the <DRM Responsible Party> entry, replace "contain" with "specify".

In the fifth paragraph of the <DRM Responsible Party> entry, replace "value" with "field value".

In the fifth paragraph of the <DRM Responsible Party> entry, replace "fields" with "field values".

In the sixth paragraph of the <DRM Responsible Party> entry, replace "fields" with "field values".

In the sixth paragraph of the <DRM Responsible Party> entry, replace "values" with "field values".

In the <DRM Security Constraints> entry, replace "classification" with "the classification field".

In the <DRM Security Constraints> entry, replace "classification_system field shall be" with "the classification_system field value shall specify".

In the <DRM Source> entry, replace "be" with "specify".

7.2.47 Model reference type constraints

In the first sentence, replace the colon with a period.

In Item a, replace "an instance of <DRM Model>" with "a <DRM Model> instance".

In Item a, replace "value set to" with "field value of".

In Item a, replace "aggregate <DRM Model Library> instance" with "<DRM Model Library> aggregate".

In Item a, replace "name" with "name field value".

In Item b, replace "an instance of <DRM Model>" with "a <DRM Model> instance M".

In Item b, replace "model_reference_type set to" with "a model_reference_type field value of".

In Item b, replace the colon with a period.

In Item b.1, replace "that <DRM Model> instance" with "M".

In Item b.1, replace the semicolon with a period.

In Item b.2, replace "Its dynamic_model_processing" with "The dynamic_model_processing field value of M".

7.2.48 Nested primitive geometry

Replace "contains a <DRM Union Of Primitive Geometry> instance" with "has a <DRM Union Of Primitive Geometry> component".

Replace all occurrences of "can nest:" with "can nest instances of:"

7.2.49 Non-cyclic aggregations

Replace the text preceding the list with the following text:

"Let X be a DRM object. X shall not appear in the component tree of X, other than as the root of the component tree."

In Item b, replace "instance" with "instance".

Remove Item c.

7.2.50 Non-empty <DRM Environment Root> instance

Replace the text "as components a <DRM Feature Hierarchy> instance and/or a <DRM Geometry Hierarchy> instance" with "a <DRM Feature Hierarchy> component and/or a <DRM Geometry Hierarchy> component".

7.2.51 Non-empty <DRM Model> instance

In Item a, replace the second and third occurrences of "instance" with "component".

In Item b, replace the second and third occurrences of "instance" with "component".

In Item b, replace "e.g." with "i.e.".

In Items b.1 and c.1, replace the second and third occurrences of "instance" with "component".

In Items b.3 and c.3, replace "is tagged as" with "has a model_reference_type field value of".

In Item b.4, replace the first and last occurrences of "instance" with "component".

In Item d, replace the last occurrence of "instance" with "component".

In Item d, replace "field set to" with "field value of".

In Item d, replace "instnace" with "instance".

7.2.54 Octant related organizing principle

In the first paragraph, replace "a <DRM Octant Related Features or a <DRM Octant Related Geometry> instance" with "an instance of <DRM Octant Related Features> or an instance of <DRM Octant Related Geometry>".

In Item a, insert " component" after the second occurrence of <DRM Spatial Extent>.

In Item b, replace all occurrences of "<DRM Spatial Extent> instance" with "<DRM Spatial Extent> component".

In Item b, replace all occurrences of "<DRM Spatial Extent> instances" with "<DRM Spatial Extent> components".

In Item b.3, insert "except at the boundaries" after the first occurrence of "overlap".

In Item b.3, replace "instances shall not overlap" with "instances may have overlapping boundaries but shall have no overlapping interiors".

7.2.56 Perimeter related organizing principle

In Item a.1, insert "link objects" after <DRM Perimeter Data>.

In Item a.3, replace both occurrences of "instance" with "link object".

In Item c.2, replace "branches of P" with "branches of P".

In Item c.4, replace "fields of P" with "fields of P".

7.2.57 Polygon as bounded plane

Replace index "N" with "n" throughout.

Replace the text of item b with the following text:

  1. "For each pair of line segments LiLj, LrLs where Li and Lj are adjacent and Lr and Lsare adjacent, LiLj and LrLs shall not intersect unless i = s or j = r, in which case they shall intersect only at that common <DRM Vertex> instance."

In item d, replace index "otherwise" with "otherwise,".

7.2.58 Precedence of <DRM Property Set Index>

In Items a.5 and b.5, replace "<DRM Colour>" with "<DRM Colour>".

7.2.59 Publishable object

In Item b, insert "<DRM Base Association Data>" as the first entry in the list of DRM classes.

7.2.60 Quadrant related organizing principle

In Item a, replace "instance" with "component".

In Item b, replace all occurrences of "<DRM Spatial Extent> instance" with "<DRM Spatial Extent> component".

In Item b, replace all occurrences of "<DRM Spatial Extent> instances" with "<DRM Spatial Extent> components".

In Item b.1, insert " instance" after <DRM Model>.

In Item b.3, insert "except at the boundaries" after the first occurrence of "overlap".

In Item b.3, replace "instances shall not overlap" with "instances may have overlapping boundaries but no overlapping interiors".

In Item b.6.i, replace "instance" with "component".

In Item b.7, replace the list enumerators for the list within Item 7 with lower case roman numerals.

In Item b.7.a (or Item b.7.i after the preceding change is applied),  replace "instance" with "component".

7.2.61 Required reference vector location

Replace "a <DRM Polygon>" with "an instance of <DRM Polygon>".

Remove the last occurrence of "instance".

7.2.62 Separating plane organizing principle

In Item b.2, replace "component <DRM Separating Plane Relations>" with "<DRM Separating Plane Relations> component".

In Items b.2.ii and b.3.iii, replace "<DRM Separating Plane Data> instance" with "<DRM Separating Plane Data> link object".

7.2.63 Spatial axis constraints

Replace the text of this subclause with the following text:

"Consider a spatial <DRM Axis> component X of a <DRM Property Grid> instance G as defined in Spatial axes.

  1. The axis_type field value of X shall correspond to a coordinate of the SRF specified by G as follows:

    1. The axis_type field value of X shall be one of the following:

    2. If the primary component of the SRF specified by G is angular, X shall not specify an axis_type field value of EAC_SPATIAL_LINEAR_PRIMARY_COORDINATE.

    3. If the secondary component of the SRF specified by G is angular, X shall not specify an axis_type field value of EAC_SPATIAL_LINEAR_SECONDARY_COORDINATE.

    4. If the primary component of the SRF specified by G is linear, X shall not specify an axis_type field value of EAC_SPATIAL_ANGULAR_PRIMARY_COORDINATE.

    5. If the secondary component of the SRF specified by G is linear, X shall not specify an axis_type field value of EAC_SPATIAL_ANGULAR_SECONDARY_COORDINATE.

    6. If the SRF specified by G does not have a tertiary component, X shall not specify an axis_type field value of EAC_SPATIAL_LINEAR_TERTIARY_COORDINATE.

    7. If X specifies an axis_type field value of EAC_SPATIAL_ANGULAR_PRIMARY_COORDINATE or EAC_SPATIAL_ANGULAR_SECONDARY_COORDINATE, the value_unit field value of X shall match the srf_context_info.angular_unit field value of G, and the value_scale field of X shall be ESC_UNI. Otherwise the value_unit field value of X shall match the srf_context_info.linear_unit field value of G and the value_scale field of X shall match the srf_context_info.linear_scale field value of G.
  2. Let n equal the spatial_axes_count field value of G.

    1. X shall be one of the first n <DRM Axis> components of G.

    2. Each of the first n <DRM Axis> components of G shall be comply with the restrictions in item a above.

    3. No <DRM Axis> component of G other than one of the first n <DRM Axis> components of G shall specify an axis_type field value from the list specified in item a.1.
  3. No <DRM Axis> component of a <DRM Property Table> instance shall specify an axis_type field value from the list specified in item a.1.
  4. If X is an instance of <DRM Regular Axis> or <DRM Irregular Axis>, the interpolation_type field value of X shall not be set to DISALLOWED."

7.2.64 Spatial index related organizing principle

In Item a.2, replace "S shall be a positive number" with "S shall be a positive number"

In Item a.3.iii, remove the last three sentences.

Insert the following text as new items c and d:

  1. "Consider an instance S of <DRM Spatial Index Related Feature Topology>. For each branch of S, each <DRM Feature Topology> instance within the branch shall have a spatial extent fully contained within that specified by the <DRM Spatial Index Data> link object corresponding to the branch.

  2. Consider an instance S of <DRM Spatial Index Related Geometry Topology>. For each branch of S, each <DRM Geometry Topology> instance within the branch shall have a spatial extent fully contained within that specified by the <DRM Spatial Index Data> link object corresponding to the branch."

7.2.65 State related organizing principle

In the first sentence of Item a, replace "either to the abstract value type ENUMERATION or to a numeric value type" with "to the abstract value type BOOLEAN, the abstract value type ENUMERATION, or a numeric value type".

In Item a, replace "PURE_NUMBER" with "EQC_PURE_NUMBER".

In Items b.1 and b.2, replace all occurrences of  "instance" with "link object".

In Item c, replace "instance as a component" with "component".

In Item c, replace the last occurrence of "instance" with "component".

7.2.66 Time dependency

In Item a, replace "day" with "day".

In Item b, replace "month" with "month".

In Item c, replace "month" with "month".

In Item c, replace "year" with "year".

7.2.68 Union organizing principle

In Item d, insert "the strict_organizing_principle field value shall be TRUE and" after the comma.

7.2.69 Valid node/edge relationships

Replace item a with the following text:

  1. "A <DRM Feature Node> instance FN has the following relationship with its <DRM Feature Edge> associates, if any exist.

    1. For each <DRM Feature Edge> instance FE that has FN as a starting node, FN shall be associated with FE through the use of a <DRM Edge Direction> link object with a forwards field value of TRUE.
    2. For each <DRM Feature Edge> instance FE that has FN as an ending node, FN shall be associated with FE through the use of a <DRM Edge Direction> link object with a forwards field value of FALSE.
    3. Consequently, for any <DRM Feature Edge> instance FE with which FN is associated, FE shall appear among the associates of FN either:

      1. once, if FN is FE's starting node and not its ending node,
      2. once, if FN is FE's ending node and not its starting node,
      3. twice, through the use of distinct <DRM Edge Direction> link objects, if FE is a loop."

Replace item b with the following text:

  1. "A <DRM Geometry Node> instance GN has the following relationship with its <DRM Geometry Edge> associates, if any exist.
    1. For each <DRM Geometry Edge> instance GE that has GN as a starting node, GN shall be associated with GE through the use of a <DRM Edge Direction> link object with a forwards field value of TRUE.
    2. For each <DRM Geometry Edge> instance GE that has GN as an ending node, GN shall be associated with GE through the use of a <DRM Edge Direction> link object with a forwards field value of FALSE.
    3. Consequently, for any <DRM Geometry Edge> instance GE with which GN is associated, GE shall appear among the associates of GN once, where GN is either GE's starting node or GE's ending node but not both."

7.2.70 Variable meaning constraints

Replace Table 7.3 with the following table:


Variable_Code value Constraint

The value_type field shall specify one of the following:

  1. EDCS attribute type BOOLEAN,
  2. EDCS attribute type ENUMERATION, or
  3. EDCS attribute type REAL.

In the case where the value_type field specifies REAL, t, the value_unit shall specify EUC_PERCENT and the value_scale shall specify ESC_UNI.

The value_type field shall specify EDCS attribute value type REAL. The value_unit field shall specify EUC_UNITLESS and value_scale field shall specify ESC_UNI.
COLOUR_INDEX The value_type field shall specify EDCS attribute value type COUNT.
COLOUR_INTENSITY_LEVEL The value_type field shall specify EDCS attribute value type REAL. The value_unit field shall specify EUC_UNITLESS and value_scale field shall specify ESC_UNI.
GEOMETRY_TEXTURE The value_type field shall specify EDCS attribute value type BOOLEAN.
HEAT_PRODUCTION The value_type field shall specify EDCS attribute value type BOOLEAN.
LIGHT_SOURCE_ACTIVE The value_type field shall specify EDCS attribute value type BOOLEAN.
LIGHT_RENDERING_PROPERTIES_ACTIVE The value_type field shall specify EDCS attribute value type BOOLEAN.

The value_type field shall specify EDCS attribute value type REAL. The value_unit field shall specify EUC_CANDELA and value_scale field shall specify ESC_UNI.

The value_type field shall specify EDCS attribute value type REAL. The value_unit field shall specify a value that is a member of the EDCS equivalence class EQC_LENGTH.
The value_type field shall specify EDCS attribute value type BOOLEAN.
PROPERTY_SET_INDEX The value_type field shall specify EDCS attribute value type COUNT.
PROPERTY_TABLE_REFERENCE_INDEX_ON_AXIS The value_type field shall specify EDCS attribute value type COUNT.
The value_type field shall specify EDCS attribute value type REAL.
ROTATION_ANGLE The value_type field shall specify EDCS attribute value type REAL. The value_unit field shall specify EUC_RADIAN and value_scale field shall specify ESC_UNI.
SCALE_FACTOR The value_type field shall specify EDCS attribute value type REAL, the value_unit field shall specify EUC_UNITLESS, and the value_scale field shall specify ESC_UNI.
SOUND_INSTANCE_ACTIVE The value_type field shall specify EDCS attribute value type BOOLEAN.
The value_type field shall specify EDCS attribute value type REAL, the value_unit field shall specify EUC_UNITLESS, and the value_scale field shall specify ESC_UNI.
TRANSLATION_AMOUNT The value_type field shall specify EDCS attribute value type REAL. The value_unit field shall specify EUC_METRE.
TRANSLUCENCY_VALUE The value_type field shall specify EDCS attribute value type REAL, the value_unit field shall specify EUC_UNITLESS, and the value_scale field shall specify ESC_UNI.


7.2.71 Volume shell face consistency

Replace "appear no more than twice in" with "be associated no more than twice by".

Replace the first and third occurrences of "with" with "through".

Append the following text as a new paragraph:

"A <DRM Geometry Face> instance shall be associated no more than once with a <DRM Geometry Volume> instance."
