Tables G.3 through G.9 list the abbreviated terms used for constructing labels. In these tables the notation "[nnn]" where "nnn" represents one or more letters means that the letters between the brackets are appended to the base word or partial word in the indicated position to give alternate but related words that have the same abbreviation. For example, the entry "administrat[ion][ive]" means that both the term "administration" and the term "administrative" may be abbreviated with the abbreviation "ADMIN".
Table G.3 lists the abbreviated terms used for constructing ECLs.
Abbreviations | Abbreviations | ||
Abbreviated term | Abbreviation | Abbreviated term | Abbreviation |
air traffic service | ATS | instrument landing system | ILS |
atmospher[e][ic] | ATM | obstruction identification surface | OIS |
electromagnetic | EM | position | POS |
inertial navigation system | INS | telecommunication | TELECOM |
instrument flight rules | IFR | traffic separation scheme | TSS |
Table G.4 lists the abbreviated terms used for constructing EALs.
Abbreviations | Abbreviations | ||
Abbreviated term | Abbreviation | Abbreviated term | Abbreviation |
above ground level | AGL | maximum | MAX |
accumulat[ed][ion] | ACCUM | mean sea level | MSL |
aid[s] to navigation | ATNAV | meteorolog[ical][ico][y] | MET |
air traffic service | ATS | minimum | MIN |
altitude | ALT | noise burst | NB |
anti-submarine warfare | ASW | obstruction identification surface | OIS |
atmospher[e][ic] | ATM | omnidirectional | OMNIDIR |
climatology | CLIM | position | POS |
compression[al] | COMP | power | PWR |
deviation | DEV | precipitation | PRECIP |
difference | DIFF | primary | PRI |
direction[al] | DIR | radio frequency | RF |
electromagnetic | EM | red green blue | RGB |
elevat[ed][ion] | ELEV | runway end identifier lights | REIL |
ellipse | ELLPS | scatter[ing] | SCTR |
erro[r][neous] | ERR | scintillation | SCINT |
evaporati[on][ve] | EVAP | season[al] | SSNL |
geocentric solar ecliptic | GSE | second[ary] | SCND |
gradient | GRAD | significant | SIGNIF |
high frequency | HF | spectral | SPCT |
identifier | ID | standard | STD |
integrate[d] | INTEG | submarine | SUB |
international maritime organization | IMO | surface | SRF |
inversion | INVRSN | temperature | TEMP |
level | LVL | traffic separation scheme | TSS |
location | LOC | transmission | TRANS |
low frequency | LF | with respect to | WRT |
In this International Standard, no abbreviations were used to construct labels for EVs.
Table G.5 lists the abbreviated terms used for constructing EELs.
Abbreviations | Abbreviations | ||
Abbreviated term | Abbreviation | Abbreviated term | Abbreviation |
acrylonitrile butadiene styrene | ABS | low-flying | LFLY |
administrat[ion][ive] | ADMIN | mandatory | MDTRY |
aeronautical | AERO | medium frequency | MF |
after | AFT | meteorolog[ical][ico][y] | MET |
agriculture | AGRI | metre[s] | M |
air refueling control point | ARCP | microwave landing system | MLS |
air refueling initial point | ARIP | military | MLTRY |
air route traffic control centre | ARTCC | millimetre[s] per hour | MMPH |
air traffic control | ATC | missing | MISS |
air traffic zone | ATZ | moderate[ly] | MOD |
airfield control station | ACS | mycotoxin | MYCO |
altocumulus | ALTOCM | nmh | NMH |
ambient | AMB | non-directional beacon | NDB |
america[n] | AM | north[ern] | N |
approach path alignment panel | APAP | northeast | NE |
approximate | APPROX | northwest | NW |
atmospher[e][ic] | ATM | not freezing | NF |
bottom-mounted instrumentation system | BOMIS | observ[ed][ation][atorio][atory] | OBS |
botulinus | BOTU | ocean data acquisition system | ODAS |
british home office | BHO | oceanic control area | OCA |
canadair regional jet | CRJ | operational navigational chart | ONC |
centimetres per hour | CMPH | ordnance survey of great britain | OSGB |
centre | CTR | pellet[s] | PLLT |
change | CHG | percent | PCT |
character | CHAR | personnel | PER |
cirrostratus | CRSTRAT | petroleum, oil, and lubricants | POL |
cloud[s] | CLD | polyvinyl chloride | PVC |
clustered | CLUST | pomtommo mostovoj park | PMP |
command, control, communication, computers and information | C4I | porous european mix | PEM |
commander naval forces far east | COMNAVFE | position | POS |
commander naval forces pacific | COMNAVPAC | precipitation | PRECIP |
concrete | CNCRT | precision approach radar | PAR |
continental | CNTNTL | prevailing | PRVL |
continental united states | CONUS | previous | PREV |
continuous | CONT | principal | PRIN |
control zone | CZ | prohibit[ed] | PRHBT |
country | CTRY | provisional | PROV |
cumologenitus | CUMULOGEN | publication | PUB |
cumulonimbus | CMNIMB | radio frequency | RF |
deciduous | DECID | recognized | RECOG |
decreas[e][ed][ing] | DEC | reconnaissance | RECONN |
defensive | DEF | reflect[ed][ion] | RFLCT |
deliberate[ly] | DELIB | regular[ity] | REG |
depression | DEPR | restrict[ed] | RSTRCT |
development | DEVL | royal canadian navy | RCN |
distance measuring equipment | DME | saint | ST |
distant early warning | DEW | separation | SEP |
distant early warning identification zone | DEWIZ | severe | SVR |
distant early warning military identification zone | DEWMIZ | shower[s] | SHWR |
drift[ing] | DRFT | significant | SIGNIF |
drizzle | DRZL | signs and signals on inland waterways | SIGNI |
dust-storm or sandstorm | DSSS | simplified short approach lighting runway | SSALR |
electronic | ELEC | simplified short approach lighting system with sequenced flashing lights | SSALF |
embankment[s] | EMBANK | slight | SL |
embraer regional jet | ERJ | small | SML |
england | ENG | snowflake[s] | SNFLK |
enterotoxin | ENTERO | south[ern] | S |
erro[r][neous] | ERR | southeast | SE |
european | EUR | southwest | SW |
european terrestrial reference system | ETRS | special | SPC |
extremely high frequency | EHF | special access lane | SAL |
extremely low frequency | ELF | standard | STD |
federal aviation administration | FAA | staphylococcus | STAPH |
federal information processing standards | FIPS | stratocumulus | STRATCM |
fleet operational readiness accuracy check site | FORACS | submarine | SUB |
fly[ing] | FLY | substitute[ed] | SUBST |
freez[e][ing] | FRZ | super high frequency | SHF |
geodeti[c][que] | GEOD | super low frequency | SLF |
global positioning system | GPS | supplement[ary][al] | SUPP |
greater than | gt | surface | SRF |
greater than or equal to | ge | surveillance | SURV |
ground controlled approach | GCA | T- |
ground controlled intercept | GCI | tactical | TACT |
heavy | HVY | temperature | TEMP |
height | HGT | territorial | TRRT |
hemispher[e][ical] | HMISPH | thick[er][ening] | THICK |
hertz | HZ | thin[ner][ning] | THIN |
high | HI | thunderstorm | THND |
high frequency | HF | traffic separation scheme | TSS |
higher | HGHR | traffic zone | TZ |
horizontal[ly] | HORIZ | transhipment | TRNSHP |
hours | HRS | transporter-erector-launcher | TEL |
hydrographic | HYDRO | triang[le][ulation] | TRI |
identification zone | IDZ | ultra-high frequency | UHF |
incidence | INCID | ultra-low frequency | ULF |
increas[e][ed][ing] | INC | ultraviolet | UV |
information | INFO | united arab emirates | UAE |
information region | INR | united kingdom | UK |
information zone | INZ | united nations | UN |
instrument landing system | ILS | united states[ of america] | US |
intermediate | INTERM | variable | VAR |
international | INT | vehicle[s] | VEH |
international civil aviation organization | ICAO | vertical | VERT |
international great lakes datum | IGLD | very high frequency | VHF |
international organization for standardization | ISO | very high frequency omnidirectional radio range station | VOR |
invisible | INVIS | very low frequency | VLF |
irregular[ity] | IRREG | visib[le][ility] | VISIB |
kawasaki anti-tank missile | KAM20 | visual | VIS |
kilohertz | KHZ | visual approach slope indicator | VASI |
kilometre | KM | visual flight rules | VFR |
large | LRG | water | WTR |
less than | lt | waterbody | WTRBODY |
liquid | LQD | west[ern] | W |
lockheed-martin information systems | LMIS | world geodetic system | WGS |
low frequency | LF | world war | WW |
Table G.6 lists the abbreviated terms used for constructing EULs.
Abbreviations | Abbreviations | ||
Abbreviated term | Abbreviation | Abbreviated term | Abbreviation |
ampere | AMP | megaelectronvolt | MEV |
atomic mass | AMASS | metre[s] | M |
candela | CD | micrometre | MICRON |
celsius | C | parts per billion | PPB |
centimetre | CM | parts per million | PPM |
decibel | DB | parts per thousand | PPTH |
electronvolt | EV | parts per trillion | PPT |
hertz | HZ | power | PWR |
international | INT | reciprocal | INV |
kelvin | K | reference[d][ to] | REF |
kiloelectronvolt | KEV | second | SEC |
kilogram | KG | square | SQ |
kilohertz | KHZ | squared | SQD |
kilometre | KM | steradian | SR |
Table G.7 lists the abbreviated terms used for constructing ESLs.
Abbreviations | Abbreviations | ||
Abbreviated term | Abbreviation | Abbreviated term | Abbreviation |
denotes a factor of 101 | DECA | denotes a factor of 10-3 | MILLI |
denotes a factor of 10-1 | DECI | denotes a factor of 106 | MEGA |
denotes a factor of 1012 | TERA | denotes a factor of 10-6 | MICRO |
denotes a factor of 10-12 | PICO | denotes a factor of 109 | GIGA |
denotes a factor of 1015 | PETA | denotes a factor of 10-9 | NANO |
denotes a factor of 10-15 | FEMTO | denotes a factor of 270 | ZEBI |
denotes a factor of 1018 | EXA | denotes a factor of 280 | YOBI |
denotes a factor of 10-18 | ATTO | exabinary | EXBI |
denotes a factor of 102 | HECTO | gigabinary | GIBI |
denotes a factor of 10-2 | CENTI | kilobinary | KIBI |
denotes a factor of 1021 | ZETTA | megabinary | MEBI |
denotes a factor of 10-21 | ZEPTO | petabinary | PEBI |
denotes a factor of 1024 | YOTTA | terabinary | TEBI |
denotes a factor of 10-24 | YOCTO | unit | UNI |
denotes a factor of 103 | KILO |
Table G.8 lists the abbreviated terms used for constructing EQLs.
Abbreviations | Abbreviations | ||
Abbreviated term | Abbreviation | Abbreviated term | Abbreviation |
coefficient | COEFF | length | LEN |
concentration | CONC | mechanical | MECH |
current | CUR | radiant | RAD |
density | DENS | reciprocal | INV |
difference | DIFF | rotatory | ROT |
emittance | EMIT | section | SECT |
frequency | FREQ | temperature | TEMP |
gradient | GRAD | thermodynamic | THERMO |
impedance | IMPED | vibrational | VIBRAT |
In this International Standard, no abbreviations were used to construct labels for EOs.
Table G.9 lists the abbreviated terms used for constructing EGs.
Abbreviations | |
Abbreviated term | Abbreviation |
electromagnetic | EM |
transportation | TRNSP |