Environmental Data Coding Specification (EDCS)

3 Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviated terms

3.1 Introduction

3.1.1 Table of contents

Table 3.1 — Table of contents
3 Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviated terms 3.1.1 Table of contents 3.3 Abbreviated terms
3.1 Introduction 3.2 Terms and definitions  

Table 3.2 — Table of tables
Table 3.1 — Table of contents Table 3.2 — Table of tables Table 3.3 — Abbreviated terms

3.2 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply:

one of the data types whose instances provide values that taken together specify the state of an environmental object

base quantity
quantity in a conventionally chosen subset of a given system of quantities, where no quantity in the subset can be expressed in terms of the other quantities within that subset
[ISO 80000-1:2009, 3.4]

NOTE 1    The subset mentioned in the definition is termed the "set of base quantities".

NOTE 2    Base quantities are referred to as being mutually independent since a base quantity cannot be expressed as a product of powers of the other base quantities.

NOTE 3    'Number of entities' can be regarded as a base quantity in any system of quantities.

base unit
measurement unit that is adopted by convention for a base quantity
[ISO 80000-1:2009, 3.10]

NOTE 1    In each coherent system of units, there is only one base unit for each base quantity.

EXAMPLE 1 In the SI, the metre is the base unit of length. In the CGS systems, the centimetre is the base unit of length.

NOTE 2    A base unit may also serve for a derived quantity of the same quantity dimension.

EXAMPLE 2 The derived quantity rainfall, when defined as areic volume (volume per area), has the metre as a coherent derived unit in the SI.

NOTE 3    For number of entities, the number one, symbol 1, can be regarded as a base unit in any system of units.

Basic Latin character
character from U+0020 to U+007E
[ISO/IEC 10646:2012]

Basic Latin string
string consisting of Basic Latin characters

information defining the type of an object

compact and not necessarily human-understandable designator that is used to denote a concept

coherent derived unit
derived unit that, for a given system of quantities and for a chosen set of base units, is a product of powers of base units with no other proportionality factor than one
[ISO 80000-1:2009, 3.12]

NOTE 1    A power of a base unit is the base unit raised to an exponent.

NOTE 2    Coherence can be determined only with respect to a particular system of quantities and a given set of base units.

EXAMPLE If the metre, the second, and the mole are base units, the metre per second is the coherent derived unit of velocity when velocity is defined by the quantity equation v = dr/dt and the mole per cubic metre is the coherent derived unit of amount-of-substance concentration when amount-of-substance concentration is defined by the quantity equation c = n/V. The kilometre per hour and the knot are not coherent derived units in such a system of quantities.

NOTE 3    The coherent derived unit for every derived quantity of dimension one in a given system of units is the number one, symbol 1. The name and symbol of the measurement unit one are generally not indicated.

coherent system of units
system of units, based on a given system of quantities, in which the measurement unit for each derived quantity is a coherent derived unit
[ISO 80000-1:2009, 3.14]

EXAMPLE Set of coherent SI units and relations between them.

NOTE    A system of units can be coherent only with respect to a system of quantities and the adopted base units.

derived quantity
quantity, in a system of quantities, defined in terms of the base quantities of that system
[ISO 80000-1:2009, 3.5]

EXAMPLE In a system of quantities having the base quantities length and mass, mass density is a derived quantity defined as the quotient of mass and volume (length to the power three).

derived unit
measurement unit for a derived quantity
[ISO 80000-1:2009, 3.6]

EDCS dictionary
set of entries of a similar nature each of which specifies a concept and includes a code, a label, and a concept definition as well as other concept-dependent information

one of the possible values of an enumerated data type

set of physical circumstances and/or conditions, including both natural and man-made phenomena

equivalent units
set of units of measurement that characterize the same physical quantity

one of the set of concepts that are members of an organizational schema

International System of Quantities

system of quantities based on the seven base quantities: length, mass, time, electric current, thermodynamic temperature, amount of substance, and luminous intensity
[ISO 80000-1:2009, 3.6]

NOTE 1 This system of quantities is published in the ISO 80000 and IEC 80000 series Quantities and units, Parts 3 to 14.

NOTE 2 The International System of Units (SI) (see [ISO 80000-1:2009, item 3.16]) is based on the ISQ.

International System of Units

system of units, based on the International System of Quantities, their names and symbols, including a series of prefixes and their names and symbols, together with rules for their use, adopted by the General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM)
[ISO 80000-1:2009, 3.16]

NOTE 1 The SI is founded on the seven base quantities of the ISQ and the names and symbols of the corresponding base units, see [ISO 80000-1:2009, 6.5.2].

NOTE 2 The base units and the coherent derived units of the SI form a coherent set, designated the "set of coherent SI units".

NOTE 3 In quantity calculus, the quantity 'number of entities' is often considered to be a base quantity, with the base unit one, symbol 1.

human-understandable designator that is used to denote a concept

numerical value
a real number that represents a quantity

conceptual structure having both type and state

organizational schema
end result of a process of concept characterization, comprised of a set of groups of concepts

physical quantity
quantity that can be used in the mathematical equations of science and technology

property of a phenomenon, body, or substance, where the property has a magnitude that can be expressed by means of a number and a reference
[ISO 80000-1:2009, 3.1]

state (of an object)
one of the possible modes of existence of an object as defined by the collective values of its attributes

short, scientific notation for a unit of measurement or a scale factor or both

system of quantities
set of quantities together with a set of non-contradictory equations relating those quantities
[ISO 80000-1:2009, 3.3]

NOTE Ordinal quantities (see [ISO 80000-1:2009, 3.26]), such as Rockwell C hardness, and nominal properties (see [ISO 80000-1:2009, 3.30]), such as colour of light, are usually not considered to be part of a system of quantities because they are related to other quantities through empirical relations only.

system of units
set of base units and derived units, together with their multiples and submultiples, defined in accordance with given rules, for a given system of quantities
[ISO 80000-1:2009, 3.13]

type (of an object)
essential aspects of an object that characterize and distinguish it from other objects

unit of measurement
measurement unit
real scalar quantity, defined and adopted by convention, with which any other quantity of the same kind can be compared to express the ratio of the second quantity to the first one as a number
[ISO 80000-1:2009, 3.9]

value (of a physical quantity)
quantitative expression of a particular physical quantity as the pairing of a real number and a unit of measurement, the real number being called its numerical value

3.3 Abbreviated terms

Table 3.3 lists the abbreviated terms used in this International Standard except for those abbreviated terms used only in the construction of labels, which are listed in Annex G. In the specification of an abbreviation, the letters in the abbreviated term used to form the abbreviation are presented in upper-case and other letters are presented in lower-case with one exception. When the abbreviated term includes another abbreviation that is is used to form the abbreviation for that term, all the letters of the included abbreviation are presented in upper-case even if all of the letters are not used in the formed abbreviation.

Table 3.3 — Abbreviated terms
Abbreviation Abbreviated term
ABS Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene
ACC Area Control Centre
ACS Airfield Control Station
ADRG ARC Digitized Raster Graphic
AGL Above Ground Level
ALP Articulated Loading Platform
ANDES Ambient Noise Directionality Estimation System
APAP Approach Path Alignment Panel
API Application Program Interface
AR Authoritative Reference
ARC equal Arc-second Raster Chart
ARCP Air Refueling Control Point
ARIP Air Refueling Initial Point
ARTCC Air Route Traffic Control Centre
ASAPS Advanced Surveillance Acoustic Prediction System
ASEPS Automated Signal Excess Prediction System
ASNM Arctic Storm Noise Model
ASPM Acoustic System Performance Model
ASTRAL ASEPS TRAnsmission Loss
ASW Anti-Submarine Warfare
ATC Air Traffic Control
ATS Air Traffic Service
ATZ Air Traffic Zone
AVLB Armoured Vehicle Launched Bridge
BOMIS BOttom-Mounted Instrumentation System
BRDF Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function
CADIZ Canadian Air Defense Identification Zone
CASS Comprehensive Acoustic Sonar Simulation
CAVOK Ceiling And Visibility O.K.
CCA Continental Control Area
CCTT Close Combat Tactical Trainer
CH Clay, High-plasticity
CL Clay, Low-plasticity
COLREGS international REGulationS for avoiding COLlisions at sea
COMNAVFE COMmander, NAVal forces Far East
COMNAVPAC COMmander, NAVal forces PACific
CONUS CONtinental United States
CTA ConTrol Area
CZ Control Zone
DAFIF Digital Aeronautical Flight Information File
DANES Directional Ambient Noise Estimation System
DEW Distant Early Warning
DEWIZ Distant Early Warning Identification Zone
DEWMIZ Distant Early Warning Military Identification Zone
DMA Defense Mapping Agency
DME Distance Measuring Equipment
DND Department of National Defence
EA EDCS Attribute
EAC EDCS Attribute Code
EAL EDCS Attribute Label
EC EDCS Classification
ECC EDCS Classification Code
ECL EDCS Classification Label
EDCS Environmental Data Coding Specification
EE EDCS attribute Enumeration
EEC EDCS attribute Enumeration Code
EEL EDCS attribute Enumeration Label
EGC EDCS Group Code
EGL EDCS Group Label
EHF Extremely High Frequency
ELF Extremely Low Frequency
EO EDCS Organizational schema
EOC EDCS Organizational schema Code
EOL EDCS Organizational schema Label
EQ EDCS unit eQuivalence class
EQC EDCS unit eQuivalence class Code
EQL EDCS unit eQuivalence class Label
ES EDCS unit Scale
ESC EDCS unit Scale Code
ESL EDCS unit Scale Label
ETRS European Terrestrial Reference System
EUC EDCS Unit Code
EUL EDCS Unit Label
EV EDCS attribute Value characteristic
EVC EDCS attribute Value characteristic Code
EVL EDCS attribute Value characteristic Label
FAA Federal Aviation Administration (US)
FANM Fast Ambient Noise Model
FEPE Finite Element Parabolic Equation
FIC Flight Information Centre
FIPS Federal Information Processing Standards
FM Fan Marker
FORACS Fleet Operational Readiness Accuracy Check Site
FSS Flight Service Station
GC Gravely Clays
GCA Ground Controlled Approach
GCI Ground Controlled Intercept
GM Gravel Mixture
GP Gravels, Poorly-graded
GPS Global Positioning System
GRAB Gaussian RAy Bundle
GSE Geocentric Solar Ecliptic
GTRS GeoTile Reference System
GW Gravels, Well-graded
HF High Frequency
HTML HyperText Markup Language
HVAC Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning
IALA International Association of Lighthouse Authorities
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
ICW IntraCoastal Waterway
IDZ IDentification Zone
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IFR Instrument Flight Rules
IHO International Hydrographic Organization
ILS Instrument Landing System
IMO International Maritime Organization
INR INformation Region
INS Inertial Navigation System
INZ INformation Zone
IR Informative Reference
ISO (this is the short name for the International Organization for Standardization)
JMCDM Joint METOC Conceptual Data Model
JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group
JTC Joint Technical Committee
L/MF Low/Medium Frequency
LCAC Landing Craft Air Cushion
LF Low Frequency
LORAN LOng-RAnge Navigation
MAD Magnetic Anomaly Detector
MALSF Medium intensity Approach Light system with Sequenced Flashers
MALSR Medium intensity Approach Light System with Runway alignment indicator lights
MATZ Military Air Traffic Zone
MCAC Military Common Area Control
METOC METeorology and OCeanography
MF Medium Frequency
MH Micaceous silts, High-plasticity
MIR Mid InfraRed
ML Micaceous silts, Low-plasticity
MLC Military Load Classification
ML-CL Micaceous silts, Low-plasticity; Clays, Low-plasticity
MLS Microwave Landing System
MSL Mean Sea Level
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NDB Non-Directional Beacon
NGA National Geospatial-intelligence Agency
NIMA National Imagery and Mapping Agency
NIR Near InfraRed
OCA Oceanic Control Area
ODALS OmniDirectional Approach Lighting System
ODAS Ocean Data Acquisition System
OH Organic clays, High-plasticity
OIS Obstruction Identification Surface
OKTA (corruption of octal, meaning one-eighth)
OL Organic clays, Low-plasticity
OMEGA Optimized Method for Estimated Guidance Accuracy (VLF navigation system)
ONC Operational Navigational Chart
PAPI Precision Approach Path Indicator
PAR Precision Approach Radar
PEM Porous European Mix
PMP Pomtommo Mostovoj Park
PNG Portable Network Graphics
POL Petroleum, Oils, and Lubricants
PR Prescriptive Reference
PT PeaT (highly organic)
PVASI Pulsating Visual Approach Slope Indicator
PVC PolyVinyl Chloride
QNH atmospheric pressure (Q) at Nautical Height (aviation)
QTG The Q code (a standardized collection of three-letter codes for radiotelegraph communication, usually in question/answer form) for 'Will you send two dashes of 10 seconds each followed by your call sign? I am going to send two dashes of 10 seconds each followed by my call sign.'
RACON RAdar transponder beaCON
RAIL Runway Alignment Indicator Lights
RAM Range-dependent Acoustic Model
RANDI Research Ambient Noise DIrectionality
RCI Rating Cone Index
RCN Royal Canadian Navy
REIL Runway End Identifier Lights
RF Radio Frequency
RGB Red Green Blue (colour model)
RMS Root-Mean-Square
RPM Revolutions Per Minute
SC Sandy Clays
SHF Super High Frequency
SI Système International d'unités (International System of Units)
SIGNI signs and SIGNals on Inland waterways
SLF Super Low Frequency
SM Sandy Mixture
SOED Shorter Oxford English Dictionary
SP Sandy, Poorly-graded
SPOT Satellite Pour l'Observation de la Terre
SRA Special Rules Area
SRZ Special Rules Zone
SSALF Simplified Short Approach Lighting system with sequenced Flashing lights
SSN SunSpot Number
STOL Short Take-Off and Landing
SUA Special Use Airspace
SW Sandy, Well-graded
TACAN TACtical Air Navigation
TAPPS Towed Array Performance Prediction System
TEL Transporter-Erector-Launcher
TNT TriNitroToluene
TSS Traffic Separation Scheme
TUTT Twin Unit Tractor Tug
TZ Traffic Zone
UHF Ultra High Frequency
UK United Kingdom
ULF Ultra Low Frequency
UN United Nations
US United States of america
USCS Unified Soil Classification System
USGS United States Geodetic Survey
USS United States Ship
USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
USWMS Uniform State Waterway Marking System
UVA UltraViolet A
UVB UltraViolet B
UVC UltraViolet C
VASI Visual Approach Slope Indicator
VF Voice Frequency
VFR Visual Flight Rules
VHF Very High Frequency
VLF Very Low Frequency
VOR VHF Omnidirectional Range station
VSTOL Vertical and Short Take-Off and Landing
VTOL Vertical Take-Off and Landing
WGS World Geodetic System
WMO World Meteorological Organization
WW World War