6.2.4 DRM_Aggregate_Feature, Table 6.4

Under "Composed of (two-way)", replace "zero or more <DRM Feature Topology Hierarchy> instances" with "zero or one <DRM Feature Topology Hierarchy> instance".

6.2.5 DRM_Aggregate_Geometry, Table 6.5

Under "Associate with (two-way)", replace "zero or more <DRM Geometry Topology Hierarchy> instances" with "zero or one <DRM Geometry Topology Hierarchy> instance".

6.2.6 DRM_Alternate_Hierarchy_Related_Features, Table 6.6

Under "Composed of (two-way)(inherited)", replace "zero or more <DRM Feature Topology Hierarchy> instances" with "zero or one <DRM Feature Topology Hierarchy> instance".

6.2.7 DRM_Alternate_Hierarchy_Related_Geometry, Table 6.7

Under "Composed of (two-way)(inherited)", replace zero or more <DRM Geometry Topology Hierarchy> instances" with "zero or one <DRM Geometry Topology Hierarchy> instance".

6.2.10 DRM_Animation_Related_Geometry, Table 6.10

Under "Composed of (two-way)(inherited)", replace zero or more <DRM Geometry Topology Hierarchy> instances" with "zero or one <DRM Geometry Topology Hierarchy> instance".

6.2.30 DRM_Classification_Related_Features, Table 6.30

Under "Composed of (two-way)(inherited)", replace "zero or more <DRM Feature Topology Hierarchy> instances" with "zero or one <DRM Feature Topology Hierarchy> instance".

6.2.31 DRM_Classification_Related_Geometry, Table 6.31

Under "Composed of (two-way)(inherited)", replace zero or more <DRM Geometry Topology Hierarchy> instances" with "zero or one <DRM Geometry Topology Hierarchy> instance".

6.2.47 DRM_Continuous_LOD_Related_Geometry, Table 6.47

Under "Composed of (two-way)(inherited)", replace zero or more <DRM Geometry Topology Hierarchy> instances" with "zero or one <DRM Geometry Topology Hierarchy> instance".

6.2.55 DRM_Distance_LOD_Data, Table 6.55

In the "Field elements" row, insert the range "≥ 0,0" for each of the fields.

6.2.71 DRM_Feature_Edge, Table 6.71

In row "Component of (two-way)(inherited)", replace "zero or more" with "one or more".

Replace the second constraint with the following constraint:

"<DRM Feature Edge> and <DRM Geometry Edge> constraints"

6.2.72 DRM_Feature_Face, Table 6.72

Insert the following text in the Description as the new 2nd paragraph:

"The first <DRM Feature Face Ring> instance associated with a <DRM Feature Face> instance is its external ring, while the remaining, if any, are its internal rings. Exception: Since the universal <DRM Feature Face> instance has no external boundary, all of its rings are internal rings."

In row "Associated by (one-way)", replace "exactly two" with "a bound set of 0..2".

In row "Component of (two-way)(inherited)", replace "zero or more" with "one or more".

6.2.77 <DRM Feature Node>, Table 6.77

In row "Component of (two-way)(inherited)", replace "zero or more" with "one or more".

Replace clarification 1 with the following text:

"1This relationship indicates the collection of <DRM Feature Edge> instances that are bounded by the <DRM Feature Node> instance, if any. For each <DRM Feature Edge> instance associated with the <DRM Feature Node> through the use of a <DRM Edge Direction> link object with a forwards field value of TRUE, the <DRM Feature Node> instance is the starting node of the <DRM Feature Edge> instance. For each <DRM Feature Edge> instance associated with the <DRM Feature Node> through the use of a <DRM Edge Direction> link object with a forwards field value of FALSE, the <DRM Feature Node> instance is the ending node of the <DRM Feature Edge> instance."

6.2.79 <DRM Feature Topology>, Table 6.79

In row "Component of (two-way), replace "zero or more" with "one or more".

6.2.81 <DRM Feature Volume>, Table 6.81

In row "Component of (two-way)(inherited), replace "zero or more" with "one or more".

6.2.88 DRM_Geometry_Edge, Table 6.88

Replace the Definition with the following text:

"An instance of this DRM class is a one-dimensional <DRM Geometry Topology> instance consisting of two ordered <DRM Geometry Node> instances that specify a line segment. The orientation of a <DRM Geometry Edge> instance is defined by the order of its starting <DRM Geometry Node> instance and ending <DRM Geometry Node> instance.

A <DRM Geometry Edge> instance is used to represent the location of a segment of one or more <DRM Linear Geometry> instances and/or a boundary of one or more <DRM Geometry Face> instances."

In row "Component of (two-way)(inherited), replace "one" with "one or more".

Add alphabetically the following new constraints:

"Constraints on associates"

"<DRM Feature Edge> and <DRM Geometry Edge> constraints"

"Edges bordering faces"

Replace clarification 2 with the following text:

"2This association specifies that the <DRM Geometry Edge> instance is bounded by these two <DRM Geometry Node> instances. The first <DRM Geometry Node> instance is the starting node of the <DRM Geometry Edge> instance, while the second <DRM Geometry Node> instance is the ending node of the <DRM Geometry Edge> instance."

6.2.89 DRM_Geometry_Face, Table 6.89

Replace the Definition with the following text:

"An instance of this DRM class is used to represent a geometric region, the external boundary of which is specified by an ordered sequence of three or more associated <DRM Geometry Edge> instances."

In row "Class diagram", replace the current figure with that identified by the hyperlink Figure 6.108 — DRM_Geometry_Face.

Under "Associated with (two-way)", append the following text to the text "zero or more <DRM Polygon> instances", assign bookmark "Text_4", and hyperlink it to new clarification 4:  "4".

In row "Component of (two-way)(inherited)", replace "one" with "one or more".

Add alphabetically the following new constraints:

"Constraints on associates"

"<DRM Feature Edge> and <DRM Geometry Edge> constraints"

In row "Clarifications", replace clarification 3 with the following text:

"3If present, these <DRM Geometry Volume> instances (if any exist) are those bounded by the <DRM Geometry Face> instance, possibly one for each side of the <DRM Geometry Face> instance.

4The <DRM Geometry Face> instance corresponds to the geometric region bounded by each <DRM Polygon> instance. Where multiple <DRM Polygon> instances are associated with the <DRM Geometry Face> instance, each <DRM Polygon> instance represents the same geometric region and shall be collocated with a common external boundary."

Replace the text of the Example with the following text:

6.2.93 DRM_Geometry_Node, Table 6.93

Replace the second paragraph the Definition with the following text:

"The location of a <DRM Geometry Node> instance is the same as that of the spatially located <DRM Geometry Representation> instance or <DRM Vertex> instance to which the node is associated. If the <DRM Geometry Node> is associated to more than one such DRM object, the DRM objects shall be collocated."

In row "Component of (two-way)(inherited), replace "one" with "one or more".

Add alphabetically the following new constraint:

"Constraints on associates"

Replace Clarification 2 with the following text:

"2This relationship indicates the collection of <DRM Geometry Edge> instances that are bounded by the <DRM Geometry Node> instance, if any. For each <DRM Geometry Edge> instance associated with the <DRM Geometry Node> through the use of a <DRM Edge Direction> link object with a forwards field value of TRUE, the <DRM Geometry Node> instance is the starting node of the <DRM Geometry Edge> instance. For each <DRM Geometry Edge> instance associated with the <DRM Geometry Node> through the use of a <DRM Edge Direction> link object with a forwards field value of FALSE, the <DRM Geometry Node> instance is the ending node of the <DRM Geometry Edge> instance."

6.2.95 <DRM Geometry Topology>, Table 6.95

In row "Component of (two-way), replace "one" with "one or more". <DRM Geometry Volume>, Table 6.97

Replace Figure 6.116 with the figure hyperlinked from "Figure 6.116 -- DRM_Geometry_Volume".

In row "Component of (two-way)(inherited), replace "one" with "one or more".

Replace clarification 2 with the following:

"2These <DRM Geometry Face> instances specify the boundary of the <DRM Geometry Volume> instance."

6.2.119 DRM_Keyword, Table 6.119

In the "Field elements" row, the bookmark for the hyperlink to Clause 5 for MD_KeywordTypeCode should be changed from "#KeywordTypeCode" to "#MDKeywordTypeCode".

6.2.124 DRM_Legal_Constraints, Table 6.124

In the "Field elements" row, the bookmark for the hyperlink to Clause 5 for MD_RestrictionCode should be changed from "#RestrictionCode" to "#MDRestrictionCode" (two occurrences).

6.2.127 DRM_Light_Rendering_Properties, Table 6.127

In the "Field elements" row, insert the range "≥ 0,0" for each of the following fields:  "light_diameter", "light_extinguishing_range", and "candela_value".

6.2.142 DRM_LOD_Related_Features, Table 6.142

Under "Composed of (two-way)(inherited)", replace "zero or more <DRM Feature Topology Hierarchy> instances" with "zero or one <DRM Feature Topology Hierarchy> instance".

6.2.143 DRM_LOD_Related_Geometry, Table 6.143

Under "Composed of (two-way)(inherited)", replace "zero or more <DRM Geometry Topology Hierarchy> instances" with "zero or one <DRM Geometry Topology Hierarchy> instance".

6.2.166 DRM_Octant_Related_Features, Table 6.166

Under "Composed of (two-way)(inherited)", replace "zero or more <DRM Feature Topology Hierarchy> instances" with "zero or one <DRM Feature Topology Hierarchy> instance".

6.2.167 DRM_Octant_Related_Geometry, Table 6.167

Under "Composed of (two-way)(inherited)", replace "zero or more <DRM Geometry Topology Hierarchy> instances" with "zero or one <DRM Geometry Topology Hierarchy> instance".

6.2.176 DRM_Perimeter_Related_Features, Table 6.176

Under "Composed of (two-way)(inherited)", replace "zero or more <DRM Feature Topology Hierarchy> instances" with "zero or one <DRM Feature Topology Hierarchy> instance". DRM_Perimeter_Related_Geometry, Table 6.177

Under "Composed of (two-way)(inherited)", replace "zero or more <DRM Geometry Topology Hierarchy> instances" with "zero or one <DRM Geometry Topology Hierarchy> instance".

6.2.181 DRM_Polygon, Table 6.181

In row "Class diagram", replace the current figure with that identified by the hyperlink Figure 6.216 — DRM_Polygon.

Under "Associated with (two-way)", replace "a bounded set of 0..2 {ordered} <DRM Geometry Face> instances" with "zero or one <DRM Geometry Face> instance".

Replace the text of clarification 1 with the following text:

"1A <DRM Geometry Face> instance associated with a <DRM Polygon> instance represents the topology of that <DRM Polygon> instance."

6.2.193 DRM_Property_Characteristic, Table 6.193

Under "Example(s)", in the 3rd example, replace "EAC_SALINITY" with "EAC_PRACTICAL_SALINITY".

6.2.213 DRM_Quadrant_Related_Features, Table 6.213

Under "Composed of (two-way)(inherited)", replace "zero or more <DRM Feature Topology Hierarchy> instances" with "zero or one <DRM Feature Topology Hierarchy> instance".

6.2.214 DRM_Quadrant_Related_Geometry, Table 6.214

Under "Composed of (two-way)(inherited)", replace "zero or more <DRM Geometry Topology Hierarchy> instances" with "zero or one <DRM Geometry Topology Hierarchy> instance".

6.2.216 DRM_Reference_Surface, Table 6.216

In the "Field elements" row, the bookmark for the hyperlink to Clause 5 for "Reference_Surface_Elevation_Select" should be changed from "#RSElevationSelect" to "#ReferenceSurfaceElevationSelect" and the bookmark for the hyperlink to Clause 5 for "Reference_Surface_LOD_Select" should be changed from "#RSLODSelect" to "#ReferenceSurfaceLODSelect".

6.2.227 DRM_Role_Data, Table 6.227

In the "Field elements" row, the bookmark for the hyperlink to Clause 5 for "CI_RoleCode" should be changed from "#ResponsiblePartyRoleCode" to "#CIRoleCode".

6.2.235 DRM_Security_Constraints, Table 6.235

In the "Field elements" row, the bookmark for the hyperlink to Clause 5 for "MD_ClassificationCode" should be changed from "#SecurityClassificationCode" to "#MDClassificationCode".

6.2.239 DRM_Separating_Plane_Related_Geometry, Table 6.239

Under "Composed of (two-way)(inherited)", replace "zero or more <DRM Geometry Topology Hierarchy> instances" with "zero or one <DRM Geometry Topology Hierarchy> instance".

6.2.253 DRM_Spatial_Index_Related_Feature_Topology, Table 6.253

Under "Field elements", insert ">0,0" as the range for the "column_width" and "row_width" fields.

Under "Constraints", insert "Spatial index related organizing principle" as a new list item following "Publishable object".

6.2.254 DRM_Spatial_Index_Related_Features, Table 6.254

Under "Field elements", insert ">0,0" as the range for the "column_width" and "row_width" fields.

Under "Composed of (two-way)(inherited)", replace "zero or more <DRM Feature Topology Hierarchy> instances" with "zero or one <DRM Feature Topology Hierarchy> instance".

6.2.255 DRM_Spatial_Index_Related_Geometry, Table 6.255

Under "Field elements", insert ">0,0" as the range for the "column_width" and "row_width" fields.

Under "Composed of (two-way)(inherited)", replace "zero or more <DRM Geometry Topology Hierarchy> instances" with "zero or one <DRM Geometry Topology Hierarchy> instance".

6.2.256 DRM_Spatial_Index_Related_Geometry_Topology, Table 6.256

Under "Field elements", insert ">0,0" as the range for the "column_width" and "row_width" fields.

Under "Constraints", insert "Spatial index related organizing principle" as a new list item following "Publishable object".

6.2.265 DRM_State_Related_Features, Table 6.265

Under "Composed of (two-way)(inherited)", replace "zero or more <DRM Feature Topology Hierarchy> instances" with "zero or one <DRM Feature Topology Hierarchy> instance".

6.2.266 DRM_State_Related_Geometry, Table 6.266

Under "Composed of (two-way)(inherited)", replace "zero or more <DRM Geometry Topology Hierarchy> instances" with "zero or one <DRM Geometry Topology Hierarchy> instance".

6.2.271 DRM_Table_Property_Description, Table 6.271

Under "Clarifications", replace the single existing clarification with the following text:

"1The <DRM Property Value> components are provided only when the <DRM Table Property Description> instance specifies an EDCS Attribute Code as its meaning field value or when the <DRM Table Property Description> instance specifies a Index_Code as its meaning field value such that the <DRM Table Property Description> instance serves as an index into another <DRM Data Table> instance.

When the meaning field value specifies an EAC, the <DRM Property Value> components qualify the meaning field value.

When the <DRM Table Property Description> instance serves as an index into another <DRM Data Table> instance, <DRM Property Value> components are present when the <DRM Classification Data> component of the target <DRM Data Table>
instance is elaborated by <DRM Property Value> components. When such elaboration is present in the target, the <DRM Property Value> components of this <DRM Table Property Description> instance shall match those in the target."

In the example, replace "EAC_SALINITY" with "EAC_PRACTICAL_SALINITY".

Replace Figure 6.339 with the following figure:

Table Property Description Example 1

6.2.274 DRM_Texture_Coordinate, Table 6.274

In the second example in the "Example(s)" row, replace "to the a position" with "to the position".

6.2.280 DRM_Time_Related_Features, Table 6.280

Under "Composed of (two-way)(inherited)", replace "zero or more <DRM Feature Topology Hierarchy> instances" with "zero or one <DRM Feature Topology Hierarchy> instance".

6.2.281 DRM_Time_Related_Geometry, Table 6.281

Under "Composed of (two-way)(inherited)", replace "zero or more <DRM Geometry Topology Hierarchy> instances" with "zero or one <DRM Geometry Topology Hierarchy> instance".

6.2.282 DRM_TM_Augmented_3D_Location, Table 6.282

In the "Example(s)" row, replace SRF instance label "British National Grid" with "British National Grid Airy".

6.2.283 DRM_TM_Surface_Location, Table 6.283

In the "Example(s)" row, replace SRF instance label "British National Grid" with "British National Grid Airy".

6.2.290 DRM_Transmittal_Summary, Table 6.290

In the Description, replace the description of the field mobility_values_present with the following:

"The mobility_values_present field specifies whether instances of <DRM Property> or <DRM Table Property Description> are present somewhere in the transmittal being summarized, the EAC codes of which specify mobility (i.e., trafficability) information, such as EAC_TERRAIN_TRAFFICABILITY_COARSE, EAC_TERRAIN_TRAFFICABILITY_MEDIUM, and EAC_TERRAIN_TRAFFICABILITY_FINE."

In the Description, replace the description of the field thermal_values_present with the following:

"The thermal_values_present field specifies whether instances of <DRM Property> or <DRM Table Property Description> are present somewhere in the transmittal being summarized, the EAC codes of which specify thermal information."

In the Examples, replace Figure 6.362 with the following figure:

Transmittal Summary example

6.2.293 DRM_Union_Of_Features, Table 6.293

Under "Composed of (two-way)(inherited)", replace "zero or more <DRM Feature Topology Hierarchy> instances" with "zero or one <DRM Feature Topology Hierarchy> instance".

6.2.294 DRM_Union_Of_Geometry, Table 6.294

Under "Composed of (two-way)(inherited)", replace "zero or more <DRM Geometry Topology Hierarchy> instances" with "zero or one <DRM Geometry Topology Hierarchy> instance".

6.2.305 DRM_Volumetric_Feature, Table 6.305

Under "Associated with (two-way)", replace "one or more <DRM Feature Volume> instances" with "exactly one <DRM Feature Volume> instance".
