Table 5.18 — ECs with labels beginning with N
Label Concept definition Figure(s) Code
NAMED_LAND_TRACT A <TRACT> of natural scenery, defined by its geographical characteristics and known by its proper name.   788
NAMED_MAP_LOCATION A <LOCATION> that normally does not appear as a specific, characterized <OBJECT> on a <MAP> but has a name that is required to be placed on the <MAP>.   789
NATIONAL_PARK An extensive <REGION> of a particular nature that has been defined by law and is to be protected as a whole; it meets the prerequisites of a <NATURE_RESERVE> for the largest part and has been influenced by <HUMAN>s at most only to a small extent; national park.   790
NATURAL_AIR_OBSTRUCTION An existing <OBJECT> of fixed <<HEIGHT_AGL>> or natural growth at a fixed <LOCATION> within a proscribed <REGION> (for example: adjacent to an <AERODROME>) with reference to which vertical clearance is or must be provided during flight operations; natural air obstruction.   791
NATURAL_GAS_RIG A <RIG> for the collection of natural gas from a <WELL>; natural gas rig.   792
NATURE_RESERVE A <REGION> that has been legally defined and the nature and landscape of which require special protection, be it in part or as a whole, in order to preserve symbioses or biotypes of specific wildlife <NON_HUMAN_ANIMAL>s or <PLANT>s: for scientific reasons; for reasons of natural or geographic history; or because of their rareness, uniqueness, or outstanding beauty; nature reserve.   793
NAUTICAL_CLUB The <BUILDING>s, <GROUNDS>, and <DOCK>s of an organization that promotes and supports yachting, sailing, and boating; nautical club. A nautical club is also known as a yacht club or sailing club.   794
NAVIGABLE_WATERWAY A <WATERCOURSE> that is usable, sometimes after improvements, as a commercial <WATERBODY_ROUTE>; navigable waterway.   795
NAVIGATION_BUOY A <BUOY> serving as a <MARINE_AID_TO_NAVIGATION>; navigation buoy.   796
NAVIGATION_DEVICE Any visual or electronic <DEVICE>, usually located within a <VEHICLE>, that provides point-to-point guidance information or <LOCATION> data; navigation device. A navigation device is also known as a navigation aid.   797
NAVIGATION_LIGHT A specially constructed <DEVICE> that displays a <LIGHT> as an <AID_TO_NAVIGATION>; navigation light.   798
NAVIGATION_LINE A <LINE> between two <AID_TO_NAVIGATION>s that extends towards the <REGION> of navigational interest; navigation line.   799
NAVIGATION_MARK_AFLOAT A floating <STRUCTURE> providing a reference <LOCATION> for navigation; navigation mark afloat.   800
NAVIGATION_MARK_FIXED A fixed <STRUCTURE> providing a reference <LOCATION> for navigation; navigation mark fixed.   801
NAVIGATION_RADAR_RANGE A <WATERBODY_REGION> within range of a <RADAR_STATION>; navigation radar range. Inside this <REGION> a <VESSEL> may request navigation radar assistance from <SHORE>, particularly in poor visibility.   802
NAVIGATION_RESTRICTED_REGION A <REGION> in which certain aspects of navigation are restricted.   803
NEAP_TIDE A <TIDE> of decreased range (or tidal <WATER_CURRENT>s of decreased <<WATER_CURRENT_SPEED>>) occurring semi-monthly as the result of the <MOON> being in quadrature; neap tide [TCG, "neap tides or tidal currents"]. The neap range of the <TIDE> is the mean range occurring at the time of neap <TIDE>s and is most conveniently computed from the harmonic constants. It is smaller than the mean range where the type of <TIDE> is either semi-diurnal or mixed and is of no practical significance where the type of <TIDE> is predominantly diurnal.   804
NEARSHORE_PRECISE The <TERRAIN_STRIP> that is located between the 10 metre <DEPTH_CURVE> and the <LOW_WATER_LINE> defined by either mean low water springs or mean lower low water as defined by the applicable National Authority; nearshore precise.   805
NEBULA An immense body of highly rarefied gas and dust in the interstellar spaces of <GALAXY>s; nebula.   806
NEPTUNE The primary <PLANET> of the <SUN> that is normally eighth in distance from the <SUN>, with an orbital mean <<RADIUS>> of approximately 4 504,4 million kilometres; Neptune.   807
NETWORK A <SYSTEM> of inter-connected <OBJECT>s of either the same type or directly related types; network.   808
NEWSPAPER_PLANT A <BUILDING> used in the printing, collating, storage, or distribution of a newspaper; newspaper plant.   809
NON_AQUEOUS_CLOUD An <AEROSOL> of non-aqueous <PARTICLE>s (for example: <SMOKE> and/or <DUST>); non-aqueous cloud.   810
NON_COMMUNICATION_TOWER A <TOWER> that is used for non-communication purposes (for example: observation, support, and/or storage).   811
NON_EMPTY_SET A <SET> with at least one member; non-empty set.   812
NON_HUMAN_ANIMAL An <ANIMAL> other than a <HUMAN>; non-human animal [SOED, "animal", A.a].   813
NON_SUBMARINE_CONTACT Any <OBJECT> (for example: a <MARINE_WRECK>) on a <WATERBODY_FLOOR> that could be mistakenly identified as an operable <SUBMERSIBLE_VESSEL> when detected with acoustic or magnetic <SENSOR>s; non-submarine contact.   814
NUCLEAR_REACTOR <EQUIPMENT>, which may be contained within a <POWER_PLANT> or <VESSEL>, in which a nuclear chain reaction is initiated, sustained, and controlled; nuclear reactor.   815
NUCLEAR_WEAPONS_FACILITY A <FACILITY> used for the construction, assembly, storage, or dismantling of nuclear <WEAPON>s.   816